Business Basic Skills
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10 Gender
11 When you are asked for help by a colleague, do you give him/her a helping hand?
12 Although there are conflicts or disputes, can you work together for the aim?
13 Do you give instructions to others after you make yourself understood?
14 To obtain consent, are you able to make a persuasive explanation?
15 Can you build up network of personal connections privately?
16 Do you think you have a good research ability as well as gathering information quickly?
17 Can you make sentences correctly, briefly, and clearly?
18 For explaining things, are you able to tell logically and intelligibly?
19 Can you make a timely report by sorting and summarizing the issue?
20 Do you have research subjects that can be published?
21 To the past of your own, Do you evaluate yourself relatively higher?
22 If there are any persons oppose the proposal, can you prepare for arguments?
23 Do you have enough mental strength to hold out until bear fruit?
24 Do you always try to maximize your capacity in doing assignments?
25 Do you try to enhance the transaction ability to cope with your stress?
26 Do you understand circumstances what is happening around you correctly?
27 Can you explain your roles within the organization to others?
28 Can you collect necessary information to judge status?
29 Can you sit on the other person's chair to understand others?
30 Do you take notice of risks in any situation?
31 Do you study and analyze the subject when you make plans?
32 Do you have ability to incorporate the analyzed factors and set hypothesize?
33 Can you draw up a project, combining different types of information?
34 Do you have strategic thinking to accomplish your goal?
35 Do you analyze, hypothesize, and verify matters?
36 Do you have an awareness of costs for any activities and works?
37 Do you make it a habit to check your work to avoid making mistakes?
38 Are you always aware of work to contribute to corporate profit?
39 Do you have ability to simplify the complexities and rationalize things in order?
40 Can you make efforts to concentrate on the job that requires careful attention?
41 Can you concentrate on listening to others even if topics are not of your interest?
42 Listening to the story ,can you find the conflict of interest and ask questions to the speaker?
43 Having listened to what the other says, can you explain what he/she fad just said?
44 Can you control your emotions against the verbal assault?
45 Can you find out the charm of the other through what he/she says?
46 when you appraise yourself ,do you think you have a strong sense of ethics?
47 Even if it is a small matter, do you always comply with social rules without mixing private and public matters?
48 Do you consider the importance of order for organizational harmony?
49 when you do your work, are you aware of confidentiality at work?
50 Are you always aware of the legal compliance when you make any decision for work?
51 When you negotiate ,do you consider preference or advantage of the others at well?
52 Do you consider the sense of good values preserved as conservativeness?
53 Do you understand the background or reason from which different opinions evolve due to individual characters?
54 Do you understand people changes opinions depending on the situation he/she is in?
55 Do you have an interest in understanding others including persons nearby?
56 By understanding the situation, can you establish attainable goals?
57 Through the analysis of the cause and effect, can you make a right choice?
58 Do you have a strong will power to accomplish things?
59 Do you make adequate preparations in advance to carry out a plan?
60 Do you take leadership yourself to make remarkable progress?
61 Do you learn the spiritual thought to generates fundamental principles?
62 Do you have a vision for the future to attain goals?
63 Do you keep challenging to be creative, focusing daily on originality and ingenuity?
64 Do you set the growth and improvement through work as your goal in life?
65 Do you always want to move forward rather than stagnation?
66 Do you have your standards of value to evaluate your own behavior?
67 Are you responsible for all the results of choices you have made?
68 Do you want to work of a big project as your mission?
69 Are you conscious of becoming a leader in future?
70 Do you put priority on spiritual values when you make judgment?
71 Are you willing to become a person who would be appreciated by everyone?
72 Have you ever thought to do something on your family’s or friend’s birthday?
73 Do you realize that intellectual learning is required as a lifetime study?
74 Do you always have intellectual curiosity and collect information in your personal life?
75 Admitting past failure, do you think it a path for improvement to learn from the failures?
76 When you make a mistake, do you simply express apology without making excuses?
77 Do you have passion to keep yourself motivated and move forward without accepting the present situations?
78 Do you have ideal goal and way of living for your life in a certain manner?
79 Do you have enough courage to tackle positively with inexperienced problem or a bad thing?
80 Are you trying to have the power of persuasion to your opinion?
81 By progressing your ability, are you learning how to manage stress and improve efficiency?
82 Do you pay attention to what is happening around you and realize the relation of things?
83 Do you have a clear process for achieving goal with the vision of the future?
84 Do you analyze, hypothesize, test and verify things as your routine work?
85 Are you always trying to be attentive to what co-workers say?
86 Are you reliable to time to get confidence of others by keeping punctual for an appointment?
87 Do you accept diversity of the ground or opinion of others irrespective of likes and dislikes?
88 Are you full of enthusiasm for achieving the goals once established depending on the situation?
89 Do you consider daily requirement for ingenuity in your work as being necessary for your growth?
90 Are you proud of displaying leadership to the full in achieving assignments?
91 Do you try to arrange schedule when you are asked for help?
92 Can you work in harmony with a person whom you hate to get involved in?
93 Do you think your idea and explanations are well recognized by your staff?
94 Can you prepare a presentation effectively to convince others?
95 Do you think you have a common interest or topics with your colleagues?
96 When searching for information, are you good at search and confident in speed and scope?
97 Do you make an effort to write business letters correct and logic?
98 When you think something, do you have a sort of compass like a ship of your own?
99 When you report, do you try to make efficient talk not explaining situations?
100 Do you also have a reading habit in your private life?
101 Can you work hard to change the experience of your past failure to positive energy?
102 Can you speak up your idea without fear of criticism?
103 Can you take off the self-determined limit “CANNOT” do new things because of inexperience?
104 Are you looking at your weak point and trying to overcome after you acknowledge it?
105 Do you know the level of work you are required by boss to perform?
106 Are you well aware of the field you are not interested in?
107 Can you explain about your role and the company?
108 Before you are asked what is happening, are you able to provide information?
109 To understand others, do you mind coordinating human relationship?
110 To the risk of your work, are you aware of your responsibilities as your reach?
111 Do you know various ways of techniques for marketing analysis?
112 When you analysis, do you often notice to difference in data?
113 Can you progress project planning from information collected?
114 Can you simulate how the situation or matter changes to grow?
115 As a basis of management, do you build up a habit of “Plan/Do/Check” a routine work?
116 To do your work, do you have a work habit to consider cost at work?
117 Do you review contents to prevent the finishing of work not make mistakes?
118 Do you recognize how your roles contribute to profit?
119 To raise efficiency by using people , can you streamline the work to improve productivity?
120 If you are reluctant to do precise job, can you change yourself for the better?
121 If you are difficult to listen to others, can you change your tendency for the better?
122 Can you keep control over emotional objection and stay quiet while others are talking?
123 Can you tell your friend the story of the movie you have just seen?
124 when you argue, can you conduct yourself in a calm manner, not getting emotional?
125 Can you show a favorable attitude to the good nature of others whom you do not like?
126 As conscience, do you have a strong consciousness to distinguish right and wrong?
127 Can you consider others idea controlling your self-assertion?
128 Do you adjust yourself to idea of majority, rather than insisting on your opinion or preference?
129 Even if you know his/her secrets, can you keep personal matter trust without telling anyone?
130 Do you have a strong legal awareness to follow legal compliance?
131 For settlement, have you experienced that the negotiation is not successful without giving up something?
132 Can you overcome the weakness of self protection, sticking with your position and your job?
133 Can you organize various opinion proposed during the meeting?
134 Do you understand how social background influences a situation, and a position which makes difference of opinion?
135 Can you devote yourself to improve human relationship without feeling too much of a bother?
136 Do you think it is a real business ability to make a goal and attain it?
137 When you make decisions, do you think you always know the core of the issue?
138 When you make decisions, do you consider a logical policy to take rational approach?
139 Do you make a preparation of work in advance?
140 Do you think you are responsible for your work with a strong sense of responsibility?
141 Are you interested in higher spirituality that is the source of creation?
142 Do you have a success strategy and action plan for your entire life?
143 Can you draw out papers with adopting new idea for handling business?
144 Do you try to keep growing through work without being satisfied with the present situations?
145 Can you accept changes to improve the situation for developing?
146 Do you think you would take care of yourself without help of others?
147 Are you self-reliant and responsible for all results without blame of circumstances or other person?
148 Do you feel some sort of social mission in your company's operations?
149 Can you capable to assign tasks, give instructions, and run the whole business?
150 Besides economic value, do you recognize spiritual value that works for mind?
151 Are you interested in the job of basic administrative roles including administration, human resources and labor management?
152 Are you interested in the field of the corporate accounting, centered in finance?
153 Are you interested in the job of investigation, analysis, planning and etc. elaborate operation strategy?
154 Are you interested in the job that of legal affairs and compliance protect corporations?
155 Are you interested in the technology development, improvement of the routine works, and administrative management that advance companies remarkably?
156 Do you wish to challenge in the global business utilizing the language ability?
157 Are you interested in the commerce distribution management or overall operation management in the manufacturing industry?
158 Do you wish to challenge in the advanced financial business that leads economy?
159 Are you interested in the job such as insurance business related to personal life?
160 Are you interested in the business of information media related to mass communication?
161 Are you interested in the media related business that plans and compiles information distribution?
162 Are you interested in the business such as publicity and production that creates an additional value?
163 Are you interested in the job of marketing creating plans from analysis, hypothesis, and proof?
164 Are you interested in the job of the new solution strategy constructs by providing information?
165 Are you interested in the development of new products planning it from the market information?
166 Are you interested in the job of overall sales which would be an artery for the company and creative?
167 Are you interested in the publicity activity responsible for such as a corporate accountability?
168 Do you wish to work in the job of basic studies that is scientific, intellectual, and quiet?
169 Are you interested in the job of the applied technology study that creates a new field of business?
170 Do you wish to expand the manufacturing industry globally wide in the overseas market?
171 Do you have a wish to work in the most up-to-date electronics industry that creates new business and market?
172 Are you interested in the business of general distribution for commercial and shop operation?
173 Are you interested in the personnel training teaching a state-of-the art technology and the know-how, and etc?
174 Are you interested in the various e-businesses that are new?
175 Do you have the information literacy that creates business from the new web technology idea?
176 Are you interested in the job designing innovation from the system engineering development?
177 Are you interested in the IT technology application and information management that would advance corporations?
178 Are you interested in such the job like civil planning that develops area at a large scale?
179 Are you interested in the general real estate business including area development?
180 Do you consider profession in the various fields that requires licenses qualified by the government?
181 Do you give consideration to your strength to overcome a setback of your past?
182 By comparing things with fellow colleagues, can you think business is not only with the academic background or work experiences?
183 When you have idea to thrust others, can you perceive your attitude of the self-assertiveness?
184 Can you perceive your own attitude demonstrating lack of confidence by behaving humbly?
185 When you consider a state maintains current condition as stagnation, can you make innovations?
186 Can you recognize and celebrate the successful person as your ideal without jealous?
187 Do you think you were born to achieve something?
188 Do you realize that your mind works on you and that you have a spiritual power?
189 Are you thankful to many people supporting you?
190 Can you realize that what it separates human from animals is the spirituality of mind?